Tag Archives: Black Orcs

Why Can’t I Be Da Biggest?

I missed out on the stability test on the PTS last night, but I was able to log into the Mythic vent to catch the tail end of the Q & A. An alliance mate asked me to put a question in my comment, but Andy and Nate had already passed by the C’s.

However, I luckily had a guildie (whose name began with T) who was in-game and in vent, and was willing to put our question in his comment.

We wanted to know if there were any plans to create bigger Black Orc models.

Andy said that he was in favor of the change and had brought it to the higher-ups, but they turned it down. He noted that they had a few reasons that he couldn’t remember offhand, but confirmed there are no current plans to implement bigger Black Orcs.

So, for now there will be no green, mean, 8-foot tall fungi tanks. What a shame.


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