Monthly Archives: December 2009

Still Alive

I apologize for appearing to fall off the face of the earth. Things have been hectic with the holiday season, and I’ve been spending potential post-writing time actually playing Warhammer.

This has been a very good winter break for me and WAR. Not only can I now say that I’ve experienced a successful World Boss kill, but I also hit renown rank 45 yesterday! I’m also very proud of my sister’s boyfriend, who hit 40 recently. I can’t wait to start running him through dungeons.

I’m working on a few things for Warhammer Alliance, but I do have some blog posts that I’m mulling over. Things are slowly coming together, and I hope you like what I come up with.

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Oh, Shiny!

I was finally able to play some WAR Sunday night. I totally forgot about the Oh, Shiny setting until one of my alliance members mentioned it.

It is quite shiny, really.

Sometimes though, it can be a bit too shiny. Especially in Elf lands, where apparently everything glows, when you get a large group of people together.

We all started looking like a bunch of “vampires” from Twilight. I wish I had thought to take screenshots.

Overall, I like the new setting and it didn’t slow my computer down. It’s a nice touch and adds a good amount of depth to the art.

To be honest though, one of the alliance girls and I just like taking any opportunity to legitimately talk about sparkly, shiny things without causing awkward silences in Vent.


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IRL: I Survived!

Technically I still have one more exam to go, but I’m declaring victory now. I will gladly accept the 1.3.3 patch as my welcome-back-to-WAR present. Thank you, Mythic.

Curious as to what exactly kept me away from WAR and led to me becoming a zombie journalism student?

ProjectThat beast right there. That my dear Waaaghers is a research project on one of my state legislators filled with public records.

Lots of goodies, such as property records, Form 6 Financial Disclosures, campaign contributions and expenditures dating back to 1998, one traffic ticket, and even a copy of his income tax return.

I stopped counting after page 80.

I also had another big project that I finished today. At 4 p.m. on the dot.

I remember the exact time because that’s when my multimedia reporting class was due to present our Web site package, which I was coding right up until the last minute.

Over the course of that project I broke the Internet (whoops) and learned an entirely new way to design a site.

While I still need to fix errors with the structure (don’t view in IE please), it’s live and it’s wonderful. My department chair even stopped by to check it out.

You can see it at

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IRL: End of Semester Madness

The end of the semester is approaching for me. In fact, I think it’s actually Tuesday next week.

This means I won’t be posting at all until I get all of my projects, reaction papers, quizzes and exams done, the total of which is about 10.

So no blogging and no waaaghing. I hope everyone has fun with the PTS, and that the server transfers go as smoothly as possible.

See you next week!

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