Tag Archives: Tully Ackland

It’s a Small World

When I started working at Warhammer Alliance, I expected that I would be scouring the intertubes for information from a variety of sources.

I did not expect that I would have Google Translate open in another browser window half the time.

While normally the WAR Europe site has the same news across all four of its heralds, occasionally one will have a unique tidbit in a language that I can’t read, such as when the postal system on Carroburg was down a day or two before Christmas. Or, like today, one WAR Europe twitter account reported (in French and Spanish) that character transfers had resumed, but the English version had not updated with the news.

I am actually really enjoying this. I haven’t read Spanish in a year, but it’s fun to figure out exactly what is being said before turning to the translator (which tends to mangle the meaning in its own special way).

So, I am especially excited that I now have access to the European servers thanks to a very helpful Tully Ackland. This means that my fellow waaaghers across the pond cannot escape from my hunt for guilds to interview.

If you play on a European server, let me so I can look you up! I’m planning on making a toon somewhere tonight, and I have a feeling this will be a very interesting experience.


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